Virtual Wellness Tips for the New Year

New Year, New You: 5 Virtual Wellness Tips to Kickstart 2023

Making progress on your personal health goals is always easier with others. Here are five virtual wellness tips your company or team can use right away.

Seasons come and go and before you know it, the upcoming year is knocking at the metaphorical door.

Most businesses have revenue and profit goals, but an increasing number of businesses have employee health and wellness goals too. However, without a plan, these aspirations are also doomed to fail.

Each new year is an opportunity to start fresh and it’s also when most people are mentally primed to make significant behavioral changes. With some commitment, openness, and creativity, you can help your company embrace new beneficial habits.

Here are five virtual wellness tips that you can easily adapt to the size of your company. 

  1. Virtual Workouts

A virtual workout is one of the smartest ideas to start with. Most people love getting active and it’s a much-needed change from the otherwise plain environment of working from home. 

When planning your virtual workout, choose activities that people of different body types and fitness levels can handle. As much as some people want to curl iron or hit the pavement all day, these activities are better suited for those already committed to fitness.

Stick with simple exercises that make for easy repetitions. Such actions include jumping jacks, squats, overhead presses, and lunges. You can even help your team cool down with a post-workout stretch. 

  1. Home Office Stipend

Wait, a stipend? Yes, you read that right. Not all wellness activities must demand the physical participation of employees. One of the easiest ways to encourage lifelong health with your remote team is offering them a home office stipend. 

This is an appropriate, yet meaningful amount of money designated for a personal equipment upgrade. You offer your employees a specified amount they can spend on any item as long as it is spent on work equipment only, improves their quality of work life, and has a clear and proven health benefit. 

Examples of such items are standing desks, a work treadmill, blue light blocking glasses, and an ergonomically correct chair. All these products have known health benefits because they foster a stronger connection between mind and body. 

Most employees are blown away to discover that they work for such a supportive company. If it’s the first time your business has done this, it will stand out even more. 

  1. Virtual Health Clinics

One of the most popular wellness ideas is a virtual health clinic. Digital clinics are similar to webinars in that the organizer selects a topic, coordinates a panel or speakers, drafts a presentation deck, and presents it internally to staff. 

Since health is a vast subject matter, it’s wise to choose one topic per clinic so your employees get maximum value out of it. Useful topics for a first-time virtual health clinic include simple diet changes for big results, at-home exercises, and mental health rhythms anyone can use. If your employees have recommended a specific topic, that’s even better. 

Many people want to be in the best shape of their lives. They want things like a healthy weight and excellent performance in the bedroom, but generally don’t know how to bring it up. By hosting a health clinic on these kinds of topics, you make it approachable. It’s much easier to motivate oneself towards peak personal health when you have actionable recommendations from professionals.

At Apollo Virtual Health, we specialize in helping individuals achieve peak physical condition. We’re available to answer questions about offering weight loss and sexual performance solutions to employees.

  1. Mental Health Check-Ins

Maintaining sound mental health is difficult, and it’s even more challenging when you’re facing deadlines and big projects. It’s important for businesses to remember that checking in with people individually helps the entire organization thrive. 

Another wonderful virtual wellness tip is one-on-one mental health check-ins. First create a list of all the individuals in your organization, and second, pair them up randomly. On a company call, announce that you’ll be privately pairing people with one another and asking them to check in with each other throughout the week. 

The questions don’t need to be complex or lengthy. Simply encourage your ask to randomly ask their partner, “How’s your week going?” or “How is the day treating you?” Such questions are more than enough to get healthy conversations flowing.

This activity might seem insignificant, but it actually has huge ripple effects. When people who work together get to know one another authentically, that’s when trust starts to form. A team with people who trust one another is a team that succeeds. 

  1. Custom Health Goals

All of the above ideas are fantastic and they’re plenty to get you going. If you’re the type of leader (or you have the type of staff) that wants to go the extra mile, challenging yourselves to custom health goals is ideal. 

A custom health goal is when you group staff into small groups based on their existing health aspirations. For example, some employees may want to run a marathon, whereas others may want to shed 20 pounds by the end of the quarter. Have people add their goals to a spreadsheet and then organize them in groups based on the results. 

Ask each group to identify a benchmark everyone commits to achieving by the end of the quarter. Have biweekly check-ins so people know how well the small groups are progressing, and to offer support with one another as needed. 

At the end of the quarter, the small group who had the highest success rate wins a prize. Make the prize substantive, such as an extra week of vacation or $1,000 per member. This may seem like a lot, but it’s also what will get people to work hard towards their goal. 

The Bottom Line

Helping your employees adopt a healthier lifestyle is a benefit every company can offer its people with the right mindset. It can seem like a lot of work at the beginning, but as long as you plan it out you’ll be reaping the rewards in no time. 

At Apollo Virtual Health we take it one step further and offer personalized support to reach your deepest health goals, including improving sexual performance and peptide therapy. Schedule a virtual appointment today and live the life you’ve always wanted.


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